The monumental Porta Albana is the real entrance to Bagnoregio. The gate dates back to 1589 and bears the name of Cardinal G. Albani, the governor who wanted the construction. Vignola has been mistakenly considered the creator of the project, but it seems that it was Ippolito Scalza, an Orvieto native, who realized the structure. In 1842, there was also a bridge hanging over a ditch — which is still uncovered today — sited near the gate. In 1906, the Porta was placed backwards to improve traffic flow, and two side passages, measuring 2,5m wide, were opened. The bridge was demolished, and the crenellated walls were torn down and then rebuilt in order to make room for a wide space, Largo Trento e Trieste. The surrounding wall was knocked down, and the side passages were enlarged in 1922. Later, other houses and districts rose around the gate. A marble epigraph remembers the various works carried out over the years.